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检查整改以来,市供销社党组对检查整改中提出的问题都详细受理,没有回避、敷衍、推诿。 一切都已经答复了,一切都已经答复了,而且都严格、坚定地执行着。 产生结果。
1、关于“习近平总书记在中华全国供销合作总社第七次代表大会上重要指示批示精神没有深入学习、没有进行专题讨论、没有具体后续落实”的问题并制定了实施措施。” 该问题整改已完成,完成进度100%。 整改措施及效果:一是深入学习贯彻习近平总书记重要指示批示精神,加深对供销社职能定位的认识。 市社党组坚持把学习习近平总书记关于“三农”的重要论述和对供销社工作的重要指示批示作为重中之重,结合实际开展学习讨论,深刻认识新时代供销社的职能和作用,准确把握供销社在党和国家工作全局中的使命和任务。 市社会党组理论学习中心组开展专题集体学习。 2022年11月18日组织学习习近平总书记对供销社工作的重要指示精神和全国供销合作总社第七代代表大会精神,向知识考试是根据习近平总书记重要指示批示精神和党的二十大精神组织开展的。 围绕习近平总书记重要指示批示精神进行深入讨论后,市社党组召开专题研讨会,县处级干部作专题讲话。 二是促进班子成员和党员干部通过学习提高政治立场、统一思想认识。 市社会党组进一步提高政治站位,强化大局意识,明确要求广大党员干部把思想和行动统一到习近平总书记重要指示精神上,充分发挥发挥自身优势,积极行动,推动习近平总书记重要批示精神供销社合作制度发挥作用。
建立健全学习体系。 进一步修订完善《市供销合作社党组理论中心组学习制度》,制定党组“第一课题”制度,使学习贯彻习近平中国特色社会主义思想迈上新台阶时代是市合作社党组的首要政治任务、首要任务、长远目标。 要求,坚持确保习近平总书记重要讲话精神尽快在党组理论学习中心组学习领会、学习讨论、贯彻落实。 同时,加强调查研究和理论研究,市领导班子围绕学习贯彻习近平总书记重要指示精神,带头对标先进标准,研究谋划实施措施。 三是扎实推进工作落实。 深入学习贯彻习近平总书记重要指示精神,关键是要贯彻落实好,用实际行动践行“两个维护”。 制定并实施实施计划。 2022年8月,市政府印发《开展再学习、再认识、再落实习近平总书记重要指示批示和中发11号文件精神专项活动实施方案》(汉供营销[2022]28号),利用市社区集中学习日深入学习了解。 同时,为进一步明确发展思路,我们组织学习了《三个人谈三农》题为《“供销社”为何一夜之间火遍网络》栏目》。扎实开展各项涉农服务活动,先后举办大型日用消费品展销惠民活动迎“7月1”活动“农民丰收节-供应”开展“供销会启动”活动、“供销会年货节”活动等,建设主城区农民服务中心(展示馆)。 四是积极开拓农产品进城,服务城乡居民生产生活,进一步落实供销社服务农民的宗旨。
四是要取得成果。 通过认真学习习近平总书记重要指示批示精神,市社党组深刻认识到党的领导是供销社最本质的特征,为农民服务是供销社最鲜明的特征,综合性合作经济组织是供销社发挥职能的关键。 科学阐释定位,必须立足全局增强使命感、抓职能增强责任感、聚焦任务增强紧迫感,努力发挥现代农村流通的中坚力量、发挥农业社会化服务骨干作用,发展壮大农村集体经济。 发挥枢纽作用,在改善农村人居环境方面发挥独特作用,为全面推进乡村振兴、加快农业农村现代化作出更大贡献。
2、关于“理论学习缺乏系统性和自觉性,存在以工代学、忙挤学现象”的问题,供销干部大讲堂开办以来举办次数不多,并且没有达到预期的目标。” 该问题整改已完成,完成进度100%。 整改措施及成效:一是进一步健全学习长效机制。 积极探索创新理论学习机制,进一步修改完善《市供销合作社党组理论中心组学习制度》,研究制定党组“第一课题”学习制度。 扎实推进创新理论学习中心组学习方法,带领本单位直属党组织和广大党员干部真学、真懂、真信、真用,推动习近平新时代把中国特色社会主义思想深入人心、落到实处。 二是进一步丰富学习形式和内容。 采取“集中学习”与“自主学习”相结合、“走出去”与“请进来”相结合、“线上”与“线下”相结合等多种方式,不断加强理论学习。 同时,坚持每周五不间断的“学习日”,通过学习原文、阅读原创作品、看视频、听音频、写心得、讲心得等方式促进理论武装的深化。 三是进一步发展“供销干部讲堂”。 将“供销干部讲堂”参加人员范围从原来的供销组、直属单位(工作组)经理(组长)、监事会主席(书记)扩大到市副职干部经理级或以上。 四是要取得成果。 通过加强理论学习、举办“供销干部大讲堂”活动,进一步增强了党员干部的党性修养,坚定了党员干部的理想信念,提高了党员干部的精神境界,推动党员干部工作能力和作风的重大提高和转变。 为深化供销体制改革、推动乡村振兴提供思想保证和智力支持。 同时更加注重将学习成果转化为规划工作的思路、解决问题的技巧、改进工作的措施、促进职业发展的动力。 良好的学习效果,把系统的工作推上了一个新的台阶。
三、关于“对国家供销社改革发展政策缺乏深刻认识和思考,对构建服务‘三农’体系缺乏长远规划”创新企业发展模式,融入邯郸经济发展,推进乡村振兴战略。 该问题整改已完成,完成进度100%。整改措施及成效:一是采取集中学习与自主学习相结合的方式,认真学习《乡村振兴责任落实办法》中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发的《现代物流发展“十四五”规划》(国办发[2022]17号)学习中央一号文件、优化营商环境条例解读、党的二十大报告以及习近平总书记关于优化营商环境工作的重要指示批示组织开展供销社等相关文件学习党的二十大精神和习近平总书记对供销社工作的重要指示批示精神,深入学习以政策精神和提升业务能力推动各项工作扎实开展。 同时,按照省供销社通知要求,2022年7月25日,市供销社组织县(市、区)供销社及市级有关单位参加全国供销社营销合作县流通服务网络建设视频推进会进一步加快完善我市供销体系建设县域流通服务网络,做强做优流通主业,二是长远谋划构建服务“三农”体系,融入邯郸经济发展,推进乡村振兴战略。 制定《2023年至2025年构建服务农业农村体系、推进乡村振兴战略三年发展规划》,依据市政府《关于持续深化供销社综合改革的实施意见》 《提高供销服务农民生产生活能力》(韩政字【韩政字】2021),制定《市政府22号文件责任分工安排》(韩供销[2022]10号)并发出。
同时,做好监督落实,实行月度调度、季报,年底对目标任务完成情况进行评估汇报。 三是供销社服务“三农”能力提升。 2022年,乡镇农民服务中心标准化升级为100个,占年度目标的100%; 农业服务中心土地托管服务面积达到352.5万亩,占年度目标的117.5%。 全程托管服务面积达到147.5万亩,占年度目标的122.9%。 。 村级综合服务合作社6674个,完成年度目标的151.6%;成立农民专业合作社1838个,完成年度目标的102%。 武安、歙县、衢州、魏4个县(市)被全国合作社联合会列入2022年供销社县流通服务网络强县培育名单(全国172个、全省15个) )。 全市系统发展农业投入品服务网点2712个,占年度任务的100.44%,发展电子商务服务点(站)3766个,占年度任务的100.42%。 市农村产权交易中心和16个县(市、区)完成档案数字化改造,占全市系统交易机构的100%、年度任务的125%。 四是取得显著成效。 坚持以经营经营为突破,以项目建设为支撑,以服务三农为宗旨,以自主品牌为方向,立足主业,实现创新发展,努力在棉花领域做出成绩、农业投入品、盐业、农副产品等方面取得突破,壮大企业实力,增强服务农民的能力。 (一)盈恒公司、汉纺公司棉花供应业务实现快速增长。 嘉润农资推出复合肥新产品“嘉润/信宜”,盐业公司推出专门针对盐类的“汉工”系列。 盐制品等
(二)成立专项小组,实施“万亩种植循环农业全产业链工程”。 目前,项目可行性报告已完成,正在申报。 “南大堡农产品批发市场冷链物流仓储中心项目”已与全国总部、河北省学会、市经济技术开发区多次沟通,达成合作意向邯郸市城乡规划局,计划近期签约未来。 2023年2月13日,省供销冷链公司、省城乡建设公司相关领导及市社会主要领导到市经济开发区座谈项目进展情况并进一步检查并演示。 “黑玉米花青素农业科技项目”与河北皖北实业集团签署战略合作协议。 (三)郊区合作社、副食果品工作组、供销贸易、嘉润农资公司联合成功举办庆祝“中国农民丰收节”和“供销会”活动; 副食水果工作组组织汉港路农副产品展示馆和名优产品专卖店成功运营,举办了一系列惠民活动。 盈恒棉业为棉农、协会会员提供多种形式的信息服务,已发布信息16条; 嘉润农资新增代理经销商8家; 盐业公司成立市盐业应急保障中心,新增物流车辆35辆。 供销行业成功举办“迎7月1日供销助农惠民产销对接活动”。 (四)供销集团“邯郸友力”商标已注册并成功运营。 以邯郸特产为原料制成的“邯郸优力”8大类22个品种的套品已于中秋节、供销丰收节、元旦节期间投放市场; 嘉润农资公司与河北信义肥料有限公司成功签约,通过双方合作,“信义”牌复合肥已投放市场,在发挥主渠道作用方面实现新突破农业用品; 盐业公司“邯工”商标系列盐产品抢占市场份额,增加经营品种,做好全市供应保障工作。
4、关于“对‘加快区域中心城市建设’要求理解不够深入、思路不够清晰、缺乏‘区域大合作社、大联合会’理念的问题,缺乏辐射周边城市带动‘三农’服务”。 该问题整改已完成,完成进度100%。 整改措施及成效:一是加强理论学习。 党组会议将认真学习研究“加快区域中心城市建设”要求,全面提升服务“三农”水平。 组织开展年轻干部“以考试促学习”活动。 二是开展交流学习。 2022年7月,我们将与邢台、聊城、安阳市供销社在现代农业、农业服务中心、基层组织建设、农产品市场与销售、项目建设等方面进行考察、学习和交流,并开展开展“区域大合作、大联盟”,不断提高辐射周边城市、带动服务“三农”的水平。 建立山西、河北、山东、河南四省五市供销联盟的倡议得到了积极响应。 目前,《晋冀鲁豫四省五市供销联盟实施方案》已制定并积极推进实施。 三是搭建帮农平台。 在全市主城区建立名优农产品专卖店3个,农产品市场1个,农产品销售展厅2个。 肥乡、衢州、成安等县也纷纷开设名优农产品、特产店; 成功举办系列供销活动,销售展示邯郸及周边城市各县(市、区)农产品,助力农产品增产增收。 四是取得显著成效。 截至2022年12月底,市公司精心组织、协调、上下联动,共流转15个县(区)托管土地2.57万亩。 土地出让金800-1000元。 该项目的实施,不仅帮助了一些缺乏劳动力或不太愿意务农的农民提高了最低收入,也解决了一些必须外出务工的青壮年劳动力的后顾之忧。 每亩地30元的组织协调费也有一定程度的提高。 村集体经济收入增加,实现了土地高效利用、农民稳定受益、村集体经济做强、供销社发展的双赢局面。 “邯郸市供销合作社名优特产店暨河北省援疆·冀新合作新疆特产精品店”揭牌开业。 全市2022年乡村振兴消费救助典型案例受到河北省发改委表彰。 邯郸当地的名优土特产已进驻安阳农展馆及其加盟连锁店。
5、关于“省社会下达的助力全面推进乡村振兴战略的具体任务没有分解到直属单位,落实工作存在差距,土地全程托管未完成” “我市省社会实施的节水农业项目,仅完成1万多亩”的问题。 该问题整改已完成,完成进度100%。 整改措施及成效:一是强化责任落实。 市社党组围绕全面推进乡村振兴战略任务开展学习研讨,统一思想、提高认识、深入理解、高水平推进,展现了助力乡村振兴的责任担当。 同时,定期组织召开机关、办事机构、直属单位重点工作调度汇报会,协调推动系统重点工作任务和目标落实。 二是分解任务目标。 制定印发《关于2022年扩大节水农业托管服务规模的实施意见》,将节水扩大任务目标分解到直属单位和县级合作社。 将电子商务服务站、农业投入品经营网点、农村产权交易等任务目标分解到县域。 制定出台《关于加强生产性农业服务中心建设促进农业社会服务高质量发展的意见》,加快形成综合性、规模化、可持续的农业服务体系,服务现代农业发展农业。 三是强化监督检查。 制定《扩大节水扩面积推进高标准农田督导方案》,成立保县督导组和专项工作组推进组,督促县级合作社及直属单位按照规定落实相关工作有计划、有保障,确保各项工作有序推进。 四是成效显着。 浅埋滴灌节水农业项目累计承包25732亩,其中县公司承包转让22656亩,直属单位签约转让3076亩。 直属单位签订的合同比例约为13.6%。 同时,通过直属单位,在没有县级合作社的济南新区、经济开发区转让托管土地1322亩,有效拓展了经营范围。 全市系统发展农业投入品服务网点2712个,占全年任务的100.44%; 发展电子商务服务点(站)3766个,占全年任务的100.42%。 建成乡镇服务站192个,村级服务点3934个。 农村产权交易总数2136起,交易总金额181.4亿元。 完成土地综合管理147.5万亩,占年度目标120万亩的122.9%。 配合省政府,我市实施的节水农业工程完成2.57万亩,占年度2万亩目标的128.5%。
六、关于“农村产权交易改革力度薄弱,乡镇服务站未实现全覆盖,产权交易种类少”的问题。 该问题整改已完成,完成进度100%。 整改措施及成效:一是拓展交易种类。 加快农村产权交易改革和业务推进,积极争取政策和有关部门支持,增加交易种类、增加交易量。 2022年,全市农村产权交易额任务110亿元,实际完成181.41亿元,位居河北省11家农村产权交易中心之首。 截至2022年12月底,乡镇服务站由187个增加到192个,实现全覆盖。 全市农村产权交易种类由6种增加到10种。二是加大宣传力度。 通过制作视频宣传片、印制宣传手册、更新微信公众号等多种方式,进一步加大农村产权交易宣传力度,不断提高交易量。 2022年7月24日,农村产权交易中心到河沙镇政府组织产权交易和土地流转托管政策宣讲,并发放宣传单、宣传单。 2022年9月16日志愿服务活动中,向居民讲解了农村产权交易中心的工作职能和业务范围。 在市级以上媒体及邯郸市供销社官方账号发布宣传信息报道20余篇,抖音宣传作品20余篇,微信公众号近20篇,微信公众号近百篇美丽的信息,有效提高了广大农民的认知度。 公众的知晓率促进了业务量的增长。 三是加强沟通对接。 积极对接相关职能部门,组织推进会,寻求相关政策文件支持。 2022年7月25日,市委组织部、农业农村局、民政局召开座谈会,讨论研究村级事务公共平台推广使用工作。 2022年12月9日上午,市委组织部组织召开邯郸市村务公共平台建设推进会。
7、关于“基层供销社、合作社一体化改革不到位,改革整体排名有所下降”的问题。 该问题整改已完成,完成进度100%。 整改措施及效果:“两社”整合是一项创新工作。 市社委结合工作实际,加快供销社和农民专业合作社“两社”融合发展,不断增强“两社”发展活力,服务“三农”农民。 推动基层组织高质量发展的能力。 一是组织调研。 2022年8月,省供销社、市供销社到曲周县供销社进行调研,详细了解发挥供销社服务优势和发挥农民专业合作社作为经营主体的优势,以及发展各类服务业。 2022年10月,全国供销合作总社办公厅调研组对河北省供销体制综合改革情况进行网上调查。 基层合作社和专业合作社代表分别就密切组织联系和经济联系的具体做法进行网上报告和互动交流。 二是机制保障。 发出了“有关深入促进供应和营销合作社和农民专业合作社综合发展的实施意见”,以加强工作措施,执行工作责任,并进一步加强对基层供应和营销合作社和营销合作社和农民的整合改革的监督和指导。专业合作社。 第三,结果很明显。 截至2022年12月底,与去年相比,“两个社会”的整合比率增长了20%。 总共225个基层合作社已纳入“两个合作社”,占年度目标的181%,占基层合作社总数的90.7%,去年同期增长了186。 它在2022年成功完成了市政党委员会改革办公室的各种改革任务,并赢得了省级社会体系全面评估的一等奖。
8.关于“在升级和改造基层合作社方面进展缓慢的问题”。 该问题的纠正已经完成,完成进度为100%。 纠正措施和结果:首先,组织交流和学习。 2022年9月,市政合作社举行了一次促销会议,以在Quzhou县的城市建设基层组织,组织县(城市,地区)的供应和营销合作社,以参观和学习基层合作的创新典型实践在Quzhou County,并通过现场学习驱动整个系统探索建立基层组织服务的新方法。 在现场观察之后,举行了研讨会,讨论基层合作社在各个供应和营销水平的创新开发,土地信托和储蓄农业方面的经验和实践。 第二个是现场研究和监督。 为了稳固地促进作品的实施,加快基层合作转型的步伐,并于2022年10月在为“农业,农村地区和农民”服务的“农业,农村地区和农民”方面建立了坚实的边界位置,市政合作社前往草原前线进行行动关于基层组织的建设并提出指导的现场调查。 第三,已经取得了显着的结果。 基层的供应和营销合作社已逐渐从传统的,单一的每日必需品和农业用品运营转变为为农民建立全面,大规模,现代和可持续的服务系统。 同时,通过加快升级和转化基层合作社的速度,转化的基层合作社的服务功能得到了进一步扩展,并且他们的服务能力得到了进一步提高。 截至2022年12月底,已经进行了改造和升级40个基层合作社,达到了18年年度合作任务中的222%,与去年同期相比增加了8个,并超过了省级合作社分配的任务。
9.关于“社会企业每年亏损的问题”的问题。 该问题的纠正已经完成,完成进度为100%。 纠正措施和结果:首先,扩大传统业务并从运营中寻求收益。 第二个是开发创新的业务并寻求创新的好处。 第三个是深入利用资产的潜力并寻求资产收益。 第四个是加快项目开发并寻求项目的收益。 第五是提倡增加收入和减少支出,并从储蓄中寻求收益。 第五是取得结果。 所有直接的关联企业都将损失变成了利润。 下一步是鼓励,支持和指导社会企业创新业务运营,深入利用资产效率的潜力,开发开发项目并增加公司收入。 同时,我们将增加收入,减少支出,减少支出以及其他措施和方法,以实现我们附属企业的健康发展。
10.关于“化肥的供应是单一的,销量占市场份额较低”的问题。 该问题的纠正已经完成,完成进度为100%。 纠正措施和结果:首先,积极发展独立品牌。 2022年9月,Jiarun农业材料公司进行了深入的市场研究,并与Hebei Xinyihua合作,共同生产了供应和营销合作社的自有品牌复合肥料“ Jiarun/Xinyi”材料。 第二个是依靠多方合作。 自2022年下半年以来,Jiarun农业材料公司与许多高质量的企业建立了业务联系,并通过与大型和中型肥料生产和运营企业的合作来提高其市场份额。 它连续与中国煤炭广西远东肥料工厂和Hebei Chenguang集团Chenxiao肥料行业,Hebei Xinyi化学肥料工厂,Qingdao Xinxiwang Seaweed Seaweed Seaweed Seaweed肥料HEBEI HEBEI HEBEI HEBEI HEBEI HEBEI HEBEI HEBEI和其他高品质的企业签署并延长了销售规模,并扩大了销售规模。 。 运营品种包括原材料肥料,氮肥,复合肥料和磷酸盐肥料的原始四种。 在此基础上,已经添加了四种新品种的钾肥,硫酸铵,氯化铵和海藻肥料,使总计八个品种。 第三个是提高为农民服务的能力。 截至2023年1月底,已经完成了7,284吨的销售。 在Handan City的农业用品市场中,将自有品牌建立为著名的品牌将需要3 - 5年,并在全国范围内散发它,以进一步增加农业用品和服务功能的销售为“农业,农村地区和农民”服务以及协助农村振兴的贡献。 。
11.关于“协调各个部门的效率的问题不高,并且花了三个月以上的时间才发布农村财产权交易的管理措施,从而导致被动工作。” 该问题的纠正已经完成,完成进度为100%。 纠正措施和结果:首先,全面发挥办公室领先部门的作用。 组织和进行业务知识培训,提高员工的整体质量,并确定“无论现在有多晚,第一人负责,无论今天有多晚)和“无论今天有多晚, ,无论明天多早,都会晚了。 对于市政供应和营销合作社,对“官方文件处理系统”进行了修订和发行,以有效提高官方文档处理的质量和运营效率; 该机构的所有部门和办公室都重新汇总了劳动分部,并实施了AB角责任制度,向人们分配了责任,并将工作实施最小的细节; 该办公室在2023年对关键任务做出了公开承诺,合并责任,定期监督帐户收集并确保高质量的工作; 加强了县(城市,地区)农村财产权交易的研究和指导实现“确保三个并竞争两个和一个”的任务目标。 第二个是不断提高工作效率和质量。 2022年12月29日,市政供应和营销合作社与Handan City援助一起,向新疆前总部联合举办“ Handan City Supply and Marketing supply and Marketing and Marketerative著名和优质的特色店和赫比省援助的揭幕和开幕式” Xinjiang·Hebei Xinjiang合作Xinjiang Specialty Boutique“为了进一步加深Handan City供应和营销合作社,Bazhou供应和营销合作社以及Hejing County County Supply and Marketeratigh ,积极促进农村振兴。 2023年1月7日,邀请Handan City的农村振兴局,Handan City的商业局和Handan District的人民政府共同举办“ 2023年2023年供应和营销新年商品节”,称为“供应”营销新年的商品节“也是批发价”,体现了“供应和营销以使人们受益”和“供应和营销以促进人们”的服务概念。
2023年1月14日,来自市政文学和艺术界联合会的艺术家被邀请参加农业和边线产品展览供应和营销合作社,以进行文学和艺术志愿活动,主题为“我们的中国梦想文化文化进入成千上万的家庭”来协助供应和营销合作社新年节,并展示供应和营销风格。 第三,在农村财产权交易中取得了良好的成果。 与相关职能部门的积极联系省级供应和营销合作社在2022年6月8日建立乡村级事务披露平台的通知(Han Supply and Marketing [2022] No. 4)。 2022年7月6日,负责市政供应和营销合作社的领导人,主管部门的领导人与市政党委员会的组织部长,市政农业和农村事务局局长以及局长和局长联系。民事事务局将在农村物业权利贸易中心进行研究和指导。 2022年7月25日,市政党委员会组织部门,农业和农村事务局和民事事务部组织了一场研讨会,讨论和研究促进乡村级别事务开放平台的促进。 2022年8月16日,Handan City的副市长前往Handan Rural Property Exchange Co.,Ltd。进行调查和指导这项工作。 2022年12月9日,市政党委员会组织部门举行了一次会议,以促进Handan City的乡村级事务公共平台的建设。 市政党委员会组织部,市政供应和营销合作社,民事事务局以及农业和农村事务局的相关领导人参加了会议,并竭尽全力促进建设乡村级别的公共平台事务。 2023年2月7日,该市的农村财产权交易2022年度工作摘要和2023年的工作安排和部署会议。 从2022年1月到1222年,该市的农村财产转移交易总共完成了2,136笔交易,总交易金额为181.41亿元人民币。 截至12月,交易量在Hebei Province 11个县级城市的11个农村财产权交易中心中排名第一,达到了“确保三个并争夺两人的任务目标”。
12.关于“未能与县(城市,地区)合作社合作以促进行业投资的问题,以及市政合作社计划的一些项目尚未实施并取得成果。” 该问题的纠正已经完成,完成进度为100%。 纠正措施和结果:首先,积极参加卓越的会议。 利安海县(城市,地区)社区利用他们参与诸如中国国际冬季农产品等展览会,与商人进行讨论,与媒体联系,并与企业沟通以寻求发展共识并探索合作的方向。 第二个是与县(城市,地区)公司积极合作,以促进行业投资。 组织系统县(城市,地区)的供应和营销合作社,以“外出”并通过实地考察和学习进行行业投资。 采取主动性与县(城市,地区)公司合作进行行业投资促进,并总共学习2次。 2022年7月14日,第三级研究人员Cui Yong带领一个团队前往Anyang City供应和营销合作社,检查和研究并进行行业投资促进。 包括Quzhou县合作社,Cixian County Coomerative和Wuan City合作社的三个县(城市,地区)的供应和营销活动参加了此次活动; 2022年7月19日,第三级研究人员Cui Yong带领一个团队前往Xingtai City供应和营销合作社,检查和研究和进行行业投资促进。 五个县(地区)包括Quzhou,Linzhang,Cheng'an,Weixian和Yongnian参加俱乐部活动。 第三个是监督和计划实施项目以实现结果。 加强与省级机构和相关单位的对接,并积极创造条件以促进综合计划和共同计划的项目的实施。 市政供应和营销合作社仔细研究了市政党委员会和市政政府的相关计划和政策,并结合实际工作,并确定了三个关键项目,以连接绿色转换基础设施基础设施网络,Nandapu冷链物流公园项目和循环农业完整的产业链项目。
13.关于“党领导小组会议与董事办公室会议之间的边界问题尚不清楚,党领导小组会议的记录并未反映出“顶级领导者”表达其职位的系统,还有三个”在会议上没有讨论重要的事和一个主要问题。” 该问题的纠正已经完成,完成进度为100%。 纠正措施和结果:首先,改进系统。 改善党派会议和主任办公室会议的系统,澄清界限,并提高讨论和决策的标准化和科学水平。 第二个是标准化记录。 我们将进一步标准化党派会议的会议记录,并严格实施“顶级领导者”的系统,以表达他们的立场。 第三是严格的实施。 系统地研究“三个重要一个”系统并阐明加强程序。 属于“三个专业和一个专业”的所有事项都必须由市政社会党小组会议集体研究和决定。 第四是取得结果。 在改善系统方面:党组集团会议和主任办公室会议系统已得到修订和改进。 该系统清楚地规定了“顶级领导者”的位置和最后一个位置,增强了“三个重要和一个”决策机制,并且显然需要:任何属于“三个重要”事务的人必须是“主要”由市政社会党小组会议集体研究和决定。 在实施方面:自检查团队在2022年10月26日的反馈以来,所有党派会议均以标准化的方式记录,并且严格实施了“顶级负责人”和最后的职位声明系统,所有“三个重要”一项主要的“事项”是由党派会议集体研究和决定的。 。
14.关于“领导团队中劳动分工的巩固”问题。 该问题的纠正已经完成,完成进度为100%。 纠正措施和结果:根据组织部门的相关法规,并根据实际工作,将及时调整劳动力部门。 根据第7号党集团会议的会议记录[2022],已修改了劳工领导级。 党集团(扩大)会议于2022年9月26日举行,对领导人的劳动分工进行了一些调整。
15.关于“一些领先的干部具有落后的意识形态概念和对整个情况的认识弱,并且不主动执行足够的工作来促进紧急,困难和危险的任务,例如解决隐藏的生产安全危害,处理处理遗产问题,并防止和破坏财务风险。” 该问题的纠正已经完成,完成进度为100%。 纠正措施和结果:首先,修改和改进系统。 改进并完善安全生产检查系统,再加上单元的工作特征,涵盖所有生产和操作单元,重点关注关键领域,关键链接,重要设施和设备等,每个系统,每个链接,每个过程,从调查开始时,我们将进行基于网格和网络风格的集中调查和整流,以实现全方位,全维且无遗漏。 对于发现的问题和隐藏的危险,我们将列出它们,跟进并监督它们,采取积极行动并动态清除它们。 第二个是认真实施它。 根据“安全生产保证的实施措施,为领先的市政供应和营销合作社领导的行为实施措施,领导市政供应和营销合作社的各个级别的干部”,定期进行监督和检查承包单位。 一次市政供应和营销合作社的主要领导人每两个月至少每月一次负责一次的领导人,并检查1个生产安全工作。 三是强化监督检查。 市政供应和营销合作社已经建立了一个特别监督小组,以不断监督和检查市政供应和营销合作社各种单位的集中式纠正措施通过各种方法,例如全面监督和关键验证,开放检查和未宣布的访问,现场惊喜检查和面对面的查询。 巩固工作责任并促进工作实施,以确保这种纠正行动能够取得稳固的结果。 第四,专注于克服剩余的问题。 建立并改善问题清单,责任清单和纠正列表,以处理遗产问题,采取积极行动,提高整体意识,并根据法律法规的原则来确保企业的稳定性。 目前,每个企业留下的历史问题已经解决,下一步将是根据列表的法律和法规正确解决它们。
16.关于“意识形态领导责任制度尚未完全实施的问题,对下属单位的监督不足,官方网站尚未开放”。 该问题的纠正已经完成,完成进度为100%。 纠正措施和结果:首先,改进系统。 根据“卫生城市对加强意识形态工作责任系统的实施”的要求,定期进行了特殊的意识形态检查,这是一个标准化的检查清单,用于市政供应和营销的意识形态工作合作党小组“已发行,并“针对特殊意识形态工作的规范化实施”。 检查通知。 二是强化监管。 每个月,我们都会坚持报道在各个级别的市政供应和营销合作社,组织学习和培训,加强微战小组的监督和监督的党组织的“学习加强国家”平台的学习和使用。直接关联的单位,并建立一个坚实的意识形态地位。 三是营造氛围。 以意识形态的工作为重点,我们在市政供应和营销合作社的办公室建设中仔细地建立了一个文化走廊,并从诸如派对建设,清洁政府,社会主义核心价值观,供应历史等方面创建精美的展示板以及营销合作,中央工作等,以进一步促进代理商建设的文化。 同时,“我们的中国梦 - 文化进入一千个家庭”文学和艺术志愿服务活动被举办,以展示供应和营销合作社的风格,并促进供应和营销合作社的新形象。 第四是加强训练。 2022年9月,在新的新兵中进行了集中培训,并在新局势中进行了新情况的内容,以结合党员和供应和营销合作社的历史来提高党派成员的意识形态能力,这指出了这一点未来工作和学习的方向。 2022年10月,党事务工作者直接直接在单位下的单位下进行培训,以阐明意识形态工作的重要性和必要性,进行有关如何实施意识形态工作,进一步增强意识形态工作能力的深入讨论,并做得很好市政供应和营销合作系统意识的工作现代工作提供了保证。 第五,取得实际结果。 通过改进系统,评估和跟踪,记录管理,加强下属单位的监督,指导大多数干部和员工严格遵守政治纪律和政治规则,严格遵守组织纪律和宣传纪律; 在这种情况下,微信公共平台发布了盐,蔬菜供应和投资促进等信息,该信息促进了为农业,农村地区以及农民,供应和营销提供服务的精神,并建立了意识形态的主要地位。
1.关于“供应和营销集团和其他社会企业,通常都有现有的行政管理标记。重组后,重新定位和清晰的发展方向的问题以及管理方法与现代企业不符。” 该问题的纠正已经完成,进度的完成为100%,并且已经持续了很长时间。 纠正措施和结果:首先,建立并改善符合自己实际情况的现代企业体系,阐明组织结构,改善合法人员治理结构并阐明工作流程。 第二个是认真研究和实施中央委员会的中央委员会“关于在2023年全面促进农村复兴的关键工作中做出良好工作的意见”,“关于社会企业的分离以及公司标准化,科学,科学,科学,科学,以及面向市场的管理,规范社会和企业分离。 促进企业实现现代企业管理模式。 第三个是学习高级地区的经验和实践。 通过省内和外部的研究和检查,清晰的发展方向和管理模型,并制定长期发展计划。 第四个是修改和改善各种系统,建立和改善诸如公司激励和约束机制之类的支持措施,并按照自己的现实,阐明集团及其附属企业的业务定位和发展方向,并实现公司的业务定位和发展方向返回市场。 第五,实现结果。 根据“公司法”,各种企业改善了法律治理结构,修订了符合现代企业发展的各种管理系统,并澄清了其各自的关键任务和发展方向。
2.关于“服务不足的调查”,三年以及非责任业务研究所在过去三年中成立的一些报告没有在决策中发挥参考作用。” 该问题的纠正已经完成,完成进度为100%。 纠正措施和结果:首先,“调查,研究和信息宣传工作的措施是Handan City供应和营销社会系统系统系统系统系统系统”([2022] No. 36)将包括调查,研究和研究和信息促进工作年度评估。 县(城市,地区)的供应和营销合作社,供应和营销小组,所有单位(工作组)以及调查报告的发行和质量排名的数量和宣传报告和宣传报告。 为了促进系统调查,研究和信息促进,几名出色的人员受到赞扬和奖励。 发出的“有关二十一项研究的二十个精神的通知”,旨在大力促进市政社区的宣传和研究活动。第二个是在集中开展研究活动,构成11项有关土地循环,草根组织建设,电子商务运营模型,肥料倒入 - 季节储备,棉花运营以及如何重组派对建设工作的研究报告。 ,第8个中国合作时报,42中国供应与营销合作网络,每日36 Handan,28晚新闻,30个新的Handan文章。
“ Handan City Supply and Marketing合作社”微信公共帐户发表了220篇文章。 Handan Daily发表了市政学会主要领导人的签名文章“专注于主要业务的主要业务,以全面创建第一类邯郸市城乡规划局,以创建高质量的开发,以促进供应和营销行业”和“展示供应”和“展示供应和”全面促进农村复兴和加速农业现代化的营销。” 第四,通过广泛的调查,2023年市政供应和营销合作社对农村地区振兴的工作目标是:围绕“三个创新”,不断促进深度促进供应和营销合作社的全面改革。 创新的农业生产服务。 进行土地托管服务,并加快建造农业生产的社会化服务系统。 整个系统中的“一个载体,两个主要项目”,即县和城镇作为农业服务中心作为承运人的建设,并实施了草 - 根 - 根 - 根 - 培养社区培养和改善项目以及现代农业生产服务。 与省级社区合作,在16个县(城市,地区)建立县级农业综合服务中心,并培养20个草根俱乐部示威游行和30个综合服务示范机构。 整个系统托管服务的面积达到100万MU,土地监护区为500,000 MU; 农业社会化服务区达到180万MU。 创新的城市和农村流通服务。 确保农业资本的供应不断窒息,加速在第五级建造一个全面的农业服务平台,并从Handan Handan的Handan Pavilion中填写120多种产品。 加快农业产品销售系统的改善,加快县业务流通网络系统的改善,并改善农村建筑服务系统。 创新的农村房地产贸易服务。 为了加快农村财产权交易市场的标准化的建设,我们必须确保标准化乡镇服务站的覆盖率达到100%,并且标准化村庄级服务点的覆盖率已达到80%以上。
3.关于“处理剩余问题的工作组,评估指标是不现实的”。 该问题的纠正已经完成,完成进度为100%。 纠正措施和结果:中国共产党的Handan供应和营销合作社以及Handan City供应和营销合作社印刷和分发“ 2022年2022年供应和营销集团,直接相关部门(工作组) )有限的目标综合评估方法“(汉兹供应和营销方(2022)第4号),浅滴灌服务不再用作工作组的评估指标。
4. Regarding the "lack of institutional measures, a strict prevention mechanism that has not been formed, the problem of violating the eight regulations of the central government in the system is frequent." The rectification of this issue has been completed, and the completion progress is 100%. Rectification measures and effectiveness: First, revise and improve the filing system for outing learning training, standardize the approval procedures, and strictly implement them. The second is to strictly standardize official expenses. Amend and improve the "Administrative System of Business Reception", strictly control the standards of official reception, strictly manage various types of due travel expenditures, and implement approval procedures. The third is strict management of official vehicles. Sort out and improve the system "Business Management System", strictly implement the "three fixed points" of official vehicles and the unified management of the office, and dispatch the use system, and strictly implement the "three forms and one card" system directly under the enterprise's official vehicles. During the holidays, public vehicles are sealed to the designated location. The fourth is to formulate and issue the "Notice on Further Regulating Activities such as going out, learning, training, and inspection". The people who have been filled out have been filled out since the rectification. The daily refueling supervision system is implemented by the official vehicle, reporting the refueling record details, and the three forms and one card system is implemented on holidays (all reported on the refueling record details, holiday buses, holiday vehicle use tables, and bus driving牌)。 The approval system for official reception has been reported to the approval form from January 2022 to January 2023.
5. Regarding the issue of "there are few actual service users online and do not match the size of the city's tens of millions". The rectification of this issue has been completed, and the completion progress is 100%. Rectification measures: First, study and formulate the "Handan City Supply and Marketing Cooperative Union 5th Level 5 as Agricultural Service Platform Development Plan", guide the development of level 5 as the development of agricultural service platforms. At the end of 2023 The service users reached 20,000 by the end of 2025. The second is to use the advantages of the system to vigorously organize promotion. Actively launch the organization of grass -roots social organizations, and increase organizational promotion through establishing WeChat work groups in various counties to increase the number of users. The third is to promote it through exhibition activities. Vigorously publicize and promote the five -level platform through various types of benefits to on -site activities to increase the number of service users. The fourth is to increase the guidance of grass -roots organizations through system advantages, so that everyone is a "promoter", and promoting the platform to promote friends and store promotion. There are currently 15,098 registered members, ranking first in the province.
6. Regarding "insufficient publicity, low awareness of the public, low agricultural products, some varieties are zero, and only 5 counties in the city have established live broadcast rooms." The rectification of this issue has been completed, and the completion progress is 100%. Rectification measures and results: First, through various methods such as establishing a WeChat work group in each county, holding a five -level training meeting for agricultural service platforms, and holding various types of on -site activities of benefit farmers to cultivate grass -roots e -commerce talents, strengthen publicity and promotion 5 The level is a farmer's service platform, which continues to increase the social cognition of the 5th level as the agricultural service platform. The second is to study and formulate the "Handan City Supply and Marketing Cooperative Fifth Level 5 as the Development Plan for Agricultural Service Platform", and develop the development of the 5th level of the agricultural service platform through formulation and guidance. Actively build an offline exhibition hall and further promote the circulation of agricultural products in our city through online and offline integration. The third is to support the county (city, district) supply and marketing cooperatives to carry out live and cargo business. Further improve the ability of the system to bring in the system. At present, there are 8 live broadcast rooms in the city's system. The fourth is to enrich the products of the system. Strengthen docking with the provincial community and promote the provincial -level provincial agricultural service platform for special agricultural products in our city. As of now, 115 agricultural products are launched as agricultural service platforms at the fifth level.
7. Regarding the incomplete and uneven promotion of "'Government and Social Security Insurance' Financial model, it is only carried out in Wei County and has not brought due benefits to farmers in the city." Due to the national fiscal and financial policy, the promotion of the financial model of "Political and Bank of Household Insurance" has stopped.
8. Regarding the issues of "the problems such as irregular property management, elevator maintenance, and house leakage and rain and leakage of the elevator maintenance" developed by the IKEA garden community directly under the enterprise ". The rectification of this issue has been completed, and the completion progress is 100%. Rectification measures and effectiveness: First, the work group has established a special class of rectification work of the leader of the working group, implemented the rectification responsible departments, clarified the person in charge, and ensured the rectification effect. The second is to carry out the training of IKEA Garden Property Service Management. Study and discuss the "Property Management Regulations" and "Civil Code" Chapter Twenty -four "Property Service Contracts", study the "Regulations on the Safety Management of Elevator Handan City", strengthen the training of property management theory and practical skills of employment personnel, and revise Property management rules and regulations have standardized the management of IKEA garden property. The third is the comprehensive maintenance of the elevator for the IKEA Garden Property, repair and update the elevator wire cable, test the emergency intercom system in the elevator, check the elevator regularly, clarify a elevator maintenance administrator, and timely exclude hidden safety hazards. The fourth is to arrange for professionals to survey and evaluate the problem of rain leakage in the house. Waterproof professional companies have formulated maintenance plans to repair the leakage roof.
9. Regarding the issue of "the problem that the municipal supply and marketing cooperatives have changed the problem of changing the use of financial budget funds in 2019". The rectification of this issue has been completed, and the completion progress is 100%. Rectification measures and effectiveness: First, the budget is strictly based on the budget algorithm and other national laws and regulations, so that it is legal, reasonable, and compliant, and effectively achieve the phenomenon of the use of the scope of super budget. The second is to make reforms and reforms, and require agencies and direct enterprises to study related systems such as the Budget Law again to prevent such problems.
10. Regarding the problem of "individual social enterprises have violated cash use management regulations and conduct large amount of cash payment". The rectification of this issue has been completed, and the completion progress is 100%. Rectification measures and results: First, further strengthen the implementation of the financial rules and regulations of the affiliated enterprises. In December 2022, the "Notice of Handan City Supply and Marketing Cooperatives on Printing and Distributing" was formulated (Hanghan Supply and Marketing [2022] No. 43). The second is to strengthen professional training for financial management and accounting for direct enterprises, increase daily supervision work, and continuously improve the level of corporate financial management.
11. Regarding the issue of "irregular asset management". The rectification of this issue has been completed, and the completion progress is 100%. Rectification measures and effectiveness: First, further standardize and improve the management methods of the social asset rental, strengthen asset management, standardize relevant procedures, find out the actual use of corporate assets, the actual use of the enterprise assets, the location, the area of use, and the specifications of the building years. Market research, controlling dynamic lease standards. The second is to strictly implement the relevant regulations of asset rental management, give full play to the role of the digital management platform of assets, and achieve dynamic management. The third is to revise the asset accounts, adopt the combination of digitalization and paper version, and adopt the form of dynamic management and static management to strictly regulate the asset management of the society. The fourth is to further check the asset information on the spot and understand the operation of the assets. At present, the improvement of the asset station account has been completed. The next step will continue to improve the social asset management system and methods, and in accordance with the actual standardization of the asset rental and lease standards of each enterprise to ensure that the social assets have assets preservation and appreciation.
12. Regarding the issue of "some social assets should not be planned for fixed assets". The rectification of this issue has been basically completed, and the completion progress is 95%. Rectification measures and results: In the case of conditions, subordinate companies are included in the fixed asset accounts in accordance with regulations.
(3) The party's grass -roots organization is weak, and the responsibility of governing the party is insufficient
1. Regarding the issue of "the party building work has not been held in the past three years, the main points of party building work have not been fully implemented". The rectification of this issue has been completed, and the completion progress is 100%. Rectification measures and results: First, adhere to the persistence of ideals and beliefs in learning and practical understanding. In -depth implementation of the party's request to manage the party, comprehensively and strictly govern the party, comprehensively enhance the organizational power of grass -roots party organizations, effectively enhance the political functions of grass -roots party organizations, give full play to the role of the fighting fortress of grass -roots party organizations, and consolidate the party's long -term governance organization foundation. On November 11, 2022, the Municipal Society organized and studied the "Communist Party of China" and the "Regulations on the Work of the Communist Party of China (Trial)" and other party regulations to further increase the emphasis on party building work by the members of the leadership team and fully enable the members of the leadership team To understand the new situation in the new situation is the biggest achievement. The second is to adhere to and strengthen the party's comprehensive leadership. The members of the leadership team took the lead in raising their awareness, conscientiously implemented the requirements of "the party must manage the party and strictly govern the party", give full play to the core role of the party group's leadership, and solidly promote the system of party building in the system. On December 30, 2022, the Municipal Society Party Group held a special meeting of party building work to listen to the report of party building work in the party committee of the agency in 2022, and made arrangements for the system of party building in 2023. The third is to adhere to the regular study of party building work. Insist on incorporating party building work into the important agenda, and organize at least two party group conferences to study party building work at least each year to achieve party building work and business work. On October 28, 2022, the party group of the Municipal Society conducted a special research on the adjustment of the party committee of the direct agencies, and strengthened the construction of the party committee and leadership team of the direct agencies. The fourth is to deeply understand the significance of party building work. The party group of the municipal society put the party building on an important agenda, strengthened organizational leadership, coordinated planning, established a responsibility mechanism, formed a unified leadership of the party group, the leadership of the leadership, the responsibility of the leadership in charge, and the party building of party organizations at all levels to implement the implementation of party building The work pattern has been further strengthened and improved the construction of the party's party, comprehensively improved the scientific, standardized, and institutional level of party building work, and provided strong organizational guarantees for the solid and effective development of various work and marketing cooperatives.
2. Regarding the issue of "the party's general branch has not fulfilled its duties, the party affairs work is managed by the party committee of the agency directly under the organ." The rectification of this issue has been completed, and the completion progress is 100%. Rectification measures and results: First, formulate adjustments to ensure that the organizational structure is sound and perfect. According to relevant regulations such as the "Chinese Communist Party Constitution", "Regulations on the Work of the Communist Party of China (Trial)", "Interim Regulations on the Election Work of the Communist Party of China", and other relevant regulations, combined with the actual work of the work, the party committee of the party committee of the municipal society was formulated Organize the setting and staffing to better promote the work of the system of the system of the system of the system. The second is to strictly perform the procedures to ensure the smooth completion of the adjustment. The party committees of the municipal agency directly under the agency of the municipal society strictly adjust the relevant procedures in accordance with the middle and regulate the election work, organize the party's party committee of the municipal agencies and the party group meeting of the municipal society to conduct special research. And timely report to the Municipal Commission of Industry for instructions. On November 14, 2022, the Municipal Commission of Industry approved the adjustment of the party committee of the municipal agency. The third is to clarify the division of responsibilities to ensure that the tasks are implemented in place. On November 2, 2022, the party committee of the party committee of the direct agencies was organized to conduct a special research on the division of responsibilities of the party committee members of the direct organs, and formulated and issued the "Notice on Adjusting the Division of the Party Committee of the Communist Party of Direct", which further clarified the responsibilities of the party committee members of the organs of the organs directly under the agency. Division of labor to ensure that the work tasks of the party's construction are implemented in place and achieved effective results. The fourth is to strengthen organizational leadership and continuously improve the level of party building work. The party committees of the municipal agency directly adjusted in strict accordance with the relevant procedures. The leadership team of the party committee of the organs directly under the agency was provided, and the organization leaders were further strengthened. At the same time, the cohesion, organizational power and combat effectiveness of the party committees of direct organs directly under the agencies of direct agencies have provided solid organizational guarantee for the better development of the supply and marketing cooperatives. 保证。
3. Regarding the issue of "the party's leadership and the general requirements of the party building work are included in the corporate articles of association". The rectification of this issue has been completed, and the completion progress is 100%. Rectification measures and results: First, firmly establish political awareness, overall situation awareness, core consciousness, consciousness, and consciousness, and insist on incorporating the general requirements of the party's leadership and party building work as an important political task at present, strengthen organizational leadership, take effective measures, and take effective measures. Make sure this work is carried out solidly and effective. The second is in accordance with relevant requirements, combined with the actual work, research and deployment of party building work into the corporate articles of association, clarify the responsible subject, time node and schedule, and ensure that the implementation of this work is in place 。 The third is to further modify and improve the corporate articles of association, use the "Communist Party Constitution" as the basis for formulating the corporate articles of association, give full play to the core and political core role of corporate party organizations, and truly "implement the direction, the overall situation, and implement it." The fourth is to give full play to the role of party building to lead the guarantee, incorporate the party's leadership and party building work into the corporate articles of association, further unify the party's leadership and improve corporate governance, effectively take good care of, implement the responsibility of strictly governing the party, and further strengthen the enterprise The construction of the leadership team and the construction of talent teams have better promoted the development of the enterprise.
4. Regarding the problem of "no full coverage of talks and talks, there are problems with party building, democratic evaluation of party members, and branches." The rectification of this issue has been completed, and the completion progress is 100%. Rectification measures and results: First, strictly implement various systems such as "three meetings and one lesson", continuously innovate methods and methods, and strive to enhance the party members 'concepts and party members' awareness, and strive to enhance the political, era, and principles of political life within the party. , 斗争。 At the same time, standardize and implement the dual organizational life system for party members and leading cadres. Second, on December 20 and 26, 2022, the party committee of the agencies directly affiliated with organs was held to study the "Municipal Supply and Marketing Society of the Party Organization Secretary to grasp the grass -roots party building work and evaluation and evaluation plan for the 2022". "Instructions for work", "Implementation Measures on Further Strictly Implementing Democratic Evaluation of the Party Member System", "Implementation Opinions on Further Regulating the Implementation Opinions of the Talking and Talking System", and other related documents, continuously regulate and enhance the political life within the party organization of the grass -roots party organizations, and effectively enhance the grass -roots party organizations Cohesion, centripetal force and combat effectiveness. The third is to effectively strengthen the supervision and inspection of party fees. The grass -roots party organizations are required to conscientiously find the shortcomings and weak links in the collection, management and use of party fees, and urge the implementation of rectification. Regularly carry out special supervision and inspection, intervene in advance, early grasp of early, strict supervision, and strive to improve the standardization level of party fees. The fourth is that the management of the party members of the grass -roots party organization and the party's organizational system is more complete, and the talks have achieved full coverage; strengthening the institutional awareness, enhancing the implementation of the system, and further enhance the consciousness of the party members and cadres' implementation rules and regulations, ensure that the party's politics within the party Life is solid and effective; it has improved the standardization and institutional level of party tuition collection and management work, and strengthened the organizational concepts of party members and governing the party's awareness in accordance with the regulations.
5. Regarding "the lack of all -level cadres at the organs. The members of the enterprise team are solidified and aging, and they have not rotated for many years. There are many problems in archives management, and the review is not strict" 。 The rectification of this issue has been completed, and the completion progress is 100%. Rectification measures and results: First, strictly implement the requirements of the "Construction Plan for the Construction of the Handan City Party and Government Leadership Team from 2020-2023", establish a young cadre management account, and pay attention to the cultivation of young cadres 。 The second is to select the leadership team of the units and hold the party group to study the appointment and removal of corporate cadres directly under the party. In order to comprehensively strengthen the construction of leading cadres of subordinate enterprise, in the sources of corporate leaders, cultivating and selected young cadres, and exchanges between units and units, they conducted useful exploration and attempts. Manager -level cadres train candidates for examinations, further exercise at the grassroots level, and follow up and manage the internship cadres. The party group meeting studied the plan to serve, and served in different direct enterprises, injecting fresh blood into the enterprise, and enhanced the vitality of the enterprise. Among them, 30%of the age of 40, 60%of the ages of 30-40, and 10%of the 25-30 years old. The overall cadre team is younger than the past. 结构。 The third is to conscientiously study and strictly implement the discussion of the "Party Committee (Party Group) Determination and Determine the Code of Appointment and Removal of Cadres" (Zhong Group Fa [2016] No. 29) stipulates that the procedures for the appointment and removal of cadres should be carefully fulfilled , Solid the documentary work for the selection and employment. The fourth is to conscientiously organize learning and standardize the composition of archives. Strengthen the learning and training of archives business and improve the level of personnel cadres' business. In November 2022, the Municipal Society organized the "Regulations on the Work of Party and Government Leading Cadres", "Regulations on the Work of Cadre Personnel Archives", "Implementation Measures for the Examination of Party and Government and Political Quality in Hebei Province (trial)", "Handan City Party and Government Leading Cadres Policies and regulations such as work documentary and the latest "Regulations on the Work of Cadre Personnel Archives" to ensure that the work of cadres and personnel files is carried out smoothly. According to cadre management authority, starting from November 2022, the special actions of cadres and personnel archives were carried out, and centralized review, standardization, and sorting of the archives of municipal management cadres were carried out. . At the same time, in strict accordance with the relevant policies, the important information such as the "three -year -old and two calendars and one identity" of cadres in accordance with the relevant policies, and to the municipal supply and marketing agencies and institutions directly under the institutions of the municipal supply and marketing agency The "Leading Cadre Education and Degree Certification Form" will be archived in time.
6. Regarding the "2021 party group held only one study of the main responsibility meeting of the main responsibility of the party's main body, in 2022, the work list, responsibility list, and effect list were not established in 2022. The rectification of this issue has been completed, and the completion progress is 100%. Rectification measures and results: The first is to adhere to the comprehensive and strict management of the party into an important agenda, integrate into the overall layout of the center of the center, analyze the situation and judge the situation in a timely manner, study and solve the bottlenecks and shortcomings, and put forward measures and improvement measures. Second, the party group of the municipal social society strictly fulfills the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, and organizes at least two party group conferences to study the work of the party at least two times a year. On December 30, 2022, the party group of the Municipal Society held a meeting to conduct a special research on the comprehensive and strict management of the系统。 The third is to thoroughly implement the relevant requirements of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, further compress the main responsibility of the party group to implement the party style and clean government, and combine the actual work, establish and implement the list of comprehensive and strict governance of the party, list of responsibilities, and effect lists to promote comprehensive and strict governance governance The party develops in depth. The fourth is to comprehensively implement the Party Central Committee on the requirements of "the party must manage the party, strictly govern the party, rule the party in accordance with the rules, strictly make political discipline and political rules, and strengthen disciplinary construction", and effectively fulfill the responsibility of the party's main body and deepen the style Construction, paid close attention to the source control, strict and discipline, unswervingly promoted the construction of the party style and clean government, and provided strong discipline and style guarantee for the efficient and orderly development of various tasks of the supply and marketing cooperatives.
7. Regarding the issue of "unsuccessful warning education, the person who was punished is not notified in the system". The rectification of this issue has been completed, and the completion progress is 100%. Rectification measures and results: First, the units directly under the units in December 2022 held a typical warning education conference in the fourth quarter in December 2022. By educating people around them, they give full play to the typical warning role of the opposite side. The good political ecology of qi and officers entrepreneurship. Second, the disciplinary inspection personnel directly under the organization produced PPT clean government work courseware, and gave a preaching at the clean government's special conference. 的目标。 Third, due to the influence of the epidemic, the party group meeting of the Municipal Supply and Marketing Cooperative has been determined that the units of the municipal community in charge to the units in charge of the system have notified the cases of personnel cases over the years, and guided party members and cadres to know the awe, keeping fear, keeping the bottom line, and always maintained politics Sober and firm.
8. Regarding "the team's lack of understanding of the" one position and two responsibilities ", the pressure of the party's governance of the party is insufficient, and the inspection of clean -government risks and the reminder of clean government in charge of the management field has not been carried out. The rectification of this issue has been completed, and the completion progress is 100%. Rectification measures and results: First, strictly grasp the implementation of the responsibility of governing the party, formulate the party style and clean government construction work plan, goal requirements and specific measures within the scope of the team members, and integrate the requirements of the party style and clean government into the management work work work. Monthly, advance and implement simultaneously. The second is to organize reminders and interviews in the management of party members in charge of the area in charge of the area, tighten the clockwork, compact the burden, and promote the "two responsibilities" and "one position and two responsibilities" of the party's style and clean government. The third is to formulate the "List of the Responsibility List of Members of the Municipal Society's Party Group to Strictly Govern the Party" One Job and Double Responsibility "and" List of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Municipal Society's Discipline Institutions of the Municipal Society ". The main person in charge talks with the person in charge of important positions.
9. Regarding the issue of "weak system discipline inspection forces". The rectification of this issue has been completed, and the completion progress is 100%. Rectification measures and results: First, formulate the work plan for the disciplinary committee of direct institutions, and hold a meeting meeting for the disciplinary committee of direct institutions. The second is to establish a dynamic management account of system disciplinary inspection cadres. Take regular discussions and exchanges, field research guidance, and regular talks, and dynamically grasp the ideological and working conditions of system discipline inspection cadres. The third is to establish a system of discipline inspection work. In response to the weak links in the disciplinary inspection work, the discipline inspection cadres of the organizational system focused on the use of "four forms" to supervise discipline, letters and visits handling, and business knowledge of case investigation and handling.
10. Regarding "the party group does not attach great importance, there are leaks for rectification issues, 48 issues of inspection feedback, two less rectification plans and less ledger". The rectification of this issue has been completed, and the completion progress is 100%. Rectification measures and results: First, formulate rectification plans to clarify the division of tasks. The party group of the Municipal Supply and Marketing Society has established the leaders of the team leader, other members of other leadership teams and investigators as the deputy team leader. 团体。 The leading group has an office, which is responsible for organizing the implementation of rectification work determined by the leadership group. At the same time, the office has three special working groups: organizational coordination group, guidance supervision team, and comprehensive material group to focus on strengthening supervision, timely grasp the dynamics and progress of rectification work, and coordinate and promote the implementation of rectification work 。 On October 31, 2022, the notice of "Printing and Distributing the Rectification Plan for the Rectification Plan for the Municipal Party Committee's Patrol Municipal Supply and Marketing Cooperative and the Party Group of the Party Group of the Municipal Party Committee" was issued. The second is to re -sort out the leak and comprehensively rectify. It is clear that the special person is responsible and re -sorted out the ledger of the last rectification problem. The two issues of the rectification plan and the less accounts are "10 party branches such as material recycling companies have no position" and "the existence of office houses exceeds the standard and "There are problems with regulatory facilities", two issues are incorporated into the scope of rectification. The third is to strengthen supervision and inspection to ensure practical results. The Discipline Inspection Commission of the directly affiliated organs gives full play to the main responsibility of party organizations to implement the main responsibilities of the implementation of inspection and rectification and the supervision responsibility of the Discipline Inspection Commission on the implementation of inspections and rectification, and prevent such problems from happening again. Disciplinary committees of direct agencies have inspected the office houses of institutions and direct units from time to time to prevent the re -incidence of excessive area and illegal facilities.
11. Regarding "the supervision and rectification measures of the Discipline Inspection Commission are not specific, there are not many measures, the five rectifications of inspection feedback are incomplete, and the issue of auditing feedback has a problem. The rectification of this issue has been completed, and the completion progress is 100%. Rectification measures and effectiveness: First, formulate a list of tasks of clean government construction in the leadership team, clarify the decomposition of responsibilities, compact supervision of rectification responsibilities, and ensure that rectification is in place. The second is to further close the coordination and coordination of discipline inspection with the coordination and cooperation between finance, audit, and supervisors. Third, the party group of the Municipal Society formulated the "List of Disappearing List of Party Style and Clean Government Construction of Leadership in 2023", and clarified the task of refining the decomposition of responsibilities and compact supervision. Combined with the Municipal Audit Office, the cost of use of the buses of the subsidiaries was inspected. At the same time, the relevant personnel of the Municipal Audit Office were added to the Discipline Inspection Office of the Municipal Society directly under the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Municipal Society.
12. Regarding the issues of "not conducting inspections and rectification 'back to look back', most of the issues of inspection feedback have established a system, but the implementation and implementation of discounts, there is still a gap between the rectification effect and expectations ”。 The rectification of this issue has been completed, and the completion progress is 100%. Rectification measures and results: First, improve the inspection and rectification and inspection mechanism. In combination with the actual work, organize the special inspection of inspections and rectifications to "look back" to ensure that the inspection and rectification work is in place and achieves practical results. The second is to implement the inspection and rectification mechanism. Comprehensive investigation, list the list of problems, lists, and tasks of rectification tasks and rectification measures involved, establish a rectification ledger, strictly pay account numbers to ensure that it is not false and not to fall. The third is to continuously increase supervision and inspection. Give full play to the role of supervision of the disciplinary committee of direct agencies, earnestly perform the supervision functions, take supervision and inspection and implementation as an important part of daily supervision, comprehensively supervise the inspection and rectification work, and ensure that the various tasks of inspection and rectification are implemented.
Third, the next step plan and measure
After centralized rectification, although it has achieved significant phased rectification results, there is still a certain gap in comparison with the rectification requirements proposed by the Municipal Party Committee's inspection team. In the next step, the party group of the Municipal Supply and Marketing Cooperative will take the opportunity to rectify this inspection, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Implement the feedback from the Municipal Party Committee's inspection team as a new driving force for improving style, promoting work, and promoting development, and effectively transform, use, and expand the results of inspection, and persevere in the party's construction, serve agricultural services, attract investment, petitions, etc. Various tasks will promote the strictly governing party to the grassroots to take root.
(1) Pay attention to theoretical learning and effectively build the foundation foundation. In -depth study and understanding Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and the spirit of the 20th spirit of the party and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on the work of supply and marketing cooperatives have always been consistent with the Party Central Committee in ideological and political action. Strengthen the "four consciousness", strengthen the "four self -confidence", achieve "two maintenance", persistently take the party's political construction as the lead, comprehensively promote the party's construction, and continuously enhance the political nature and political life of the party在聚会上。 Times, principles, and combatability, and vigorously create a good political ecology of the wind and righteousness.
(2) Strengthen supervision and inspection to ensure that the rectification is effective. The party group of the Municipal Supply and Marketing Cooperative adheres to the goal and does not decrease, strengthens the problem orientation, strengthens the awareness of responsibility, and focuses on the feedback of the municipal party committee's inspection team to effectively grasp the follow -up work of inspections and rectification. For the completed rectification tasks, organize the "look back" in a timely manner, to continue to deepen and consolidate the results of the rectification, and prevent the problem from rebounding. For problems that have not been completed and take a certain time, strictly follow the rectification plan, implement sales number management, and strengthen supervision to urge supervision检查,确保按时整改到位;对需要较长时间整改的事项,明确责任单位、责任处室、责任人,加强跟踪问效,务求取得实效。
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