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农村教育问题的成因是多方面的,其中最关键的是师资不足、留不住人才; 最严重的情况是中学生学习积极性不够。 解决这一系列问题需要一个长期过程,根本改善必须全省共同努力,必须持之以恒。



** 村中学建于1958年,校园总面积2万多平方米,建筑面积1600多平方米。 中学的办公设备全部由中心校购买。 校园内有电脑室、阅览室,没有实验室。 中学操场配有足球场和乒乓球桌。 20xx年,中学共购买笔记本电脑22台。 3至6年级可以参加计算机课程,班上两人可以使用一台笔记本电脑。 学校现有6个班6个年级,共有中学生198人。 原本有200多名中学生,每个班至少有30名学生。 但后来就越来越少了。 越来越多的儿子到城镇读书。 。


中学现有教师20人,领导2人,教师6人。 老师们主要教授数学和物理。 学校只有两名英语老师,负责三、四、五、六年级的教学。中学没有专业的音乐、体美、思想品德、自然教师。 只有一名老师教授多个科目。 当教师短缺时,中学就会寻找兼职教师来兼职授课。 大多数老师搬到城镇和市区,每天晚上放学后自己开车回来。 班主任年龄34岁至56岁,工龄最长36年,最短10年。 工资每月3000元,过年期间没有福利,每年只有100元的降温补贴。 中学社团每年评选一名优秀班主任。 教师的调动并不多。 如果调动的原因有很多,有的是因为工作需要,有的是基于个人原因。


每个学期都有一次家长会,但是家长来的很少,其中很大一部分是奶奶。 由于老师的家人经常搬到城镇,来回不方便,所以班主任并不经常与父母沟通。 中学每学期考试一次,试题由中心学校统一发放。 每学期评选出30%的前三名中学生和15%的优秀少先队员。 每学期末,老师们还会针对学习困难中学生和贫困中学生进行家访,每次5至10名中学生。 中学实行严格的教育制度,考试后不对学生进行排名。


1、老师们觉得儿子的素质不能用考试成绩来评价。 由于儿子的成绩有波动,同一科目他以前的考试成绩和这次的考试成绩可能会有很大差距。 而且,孩子们也有自己的特长。 他们可能不擅长英语,但擅长中文。 这些不能用来比较孩子的优点和缺点。

2.现在读书是免费的。 每年只需要买几炷香就可以了。 因此,因贫困而辍学的动机非常低。 女儿不喜欢学习的主要原因是觉得学习累、吃不了苦。 家庭条件越好。 他们越不喜欢学习。 孩子学习氛围差,担心向老师请教问题。

3、还有一种父亲,把女儿留给了父母。 他们不关心孩子的学习,也无法控制孩子的学习。 现在的儿子越来越贪玩,越来越难管了。 很多父母都会溺爱孩子,追随女儿。 为此,儿子们玩得越来越不小心,很多人因为贪玩而荒废了学业。

4、教师普遍认为中学生家长没有认识到女儿学习的重要性,采取羊群式教育。 家长们认为送女儿上中学只是对儿子的教育,而忽视了儿子的学习。 一位老师表示,农村和城镇家长的关注程度存在巨大差异。 乡镇家长的关注程度远低于乡村。


村里只有一所中学,高中生必须到乡镇上学。 一些小学考成绩好的学生会去市区,但大多数会选择离家较近的乡镇学校。 因此,村里的中学生都能上中学,但中学数量有所下降。 中学需要进行考试选拔,所以中学生相对较少。 村里每年还有5至10名大学生。




根据我们的走访,我们发现农村家长的学历基本都是高中或初中,很多甚至初中都没有毕业。 主要原因是城市的收入、就业机会、生活条件等方面明显优于农村。 高学历、有能力的年轻人不愿意留在农村,选择到城市工作,把城市里的人抛在后面。 无法生存的人。 农村人口两极分化严重,老少分化。 母亲们迫不及待地想送女儿上学,而父亲们却只想让中学照顾孩子。 父母晚上忙于工作或者辛苦工作,早上只有一点时间照顾女儿。 因为父母的文化程度很低,无法辅导孩子的学习,也不知道如何帮助孩子的学习。 当儿子意识到自己跟不上时,父母不知道该怎么办,也没有放在心上。


农村孩子在农村读书还存在一个严重的问题就是牧羊式教育。 父母因工作或劳动而没有时间照顾女儿。 老师只完成课堂任务,通常很少关心中学生课后是否学习。 这导致中学生的学习困难。 分散且粗心。 在放羊式教育模式下,学校对中学生日常生活的管理几乎是空白。 往往,中学生的问题随着时间的推移不断积累,最终在中学介入之前演变成具体的恶性问题。 这些教育模式看似能够培养儿子的自主性,提高他们自立的能力,但同时也存在很多隐忧。



母亲外出打工,留下女儿和爸爸、妈妈在一起。 在孩子的教育上,孩子爸爸、妈妈的教育理念和手法与班主任的教育理念和手法本质上在很大程度上是冲突的。 更多家长觉得我把女儿送去中学,所有的责任都落在了中学身上。 他们不在乎,如果孩子出了什么事或者学习成绩不好,他们就会去学校吵架。 时间长了,矛盾就会显现出来。 留守女儿性格开朗、偏执,因常年缺乏父亲的照顾而无法沟通。 当前,留守儿童现象早已成为社会问题,应引起广泛关注。


绝大多数家长还是支持儿子读书的。 他们深知务农的艰辛,希望女儿通过学习改变命运。 但愿望是美好的,生活是现实的。 在了解农村家长的教育理念时,我发现了一个很大的偏见。 农村家长认为,照顾孩子就是物质上给儿子上学的钱,却忽视了精神上的关怀。 他们不会抽出时间陪儿子学习,也不会关心儿子在学习中遇到的困难。 她们会做的大部分事情,就是在儿子想要升学的时候,向儿子询问学习情况,并对已经听过茧的励志座右铭的女儿说几句话。 虽然家长对孩子学习的态度很微妙,但一方面,每个家长都认为阅读很重要。 只要女儿能读书,他们无论如何都会支持孩子的教育。 另一方面,读书无用的观念仍然存在于家长的观念中。 在她们身边,一些普通院校毕业的中学生很难找到工作,而身边一些没有文化的女儿出去打工也能赚到不少钱。 这些微妙的态度导致这样一个事实:如果孩子会读书,他的父母会非常支持。 如果孩子的学习成绩不理想,妈妈就会认为打工比读书更好。


虽然农村中学在校舍和硬件设施方面看似有了很大的改善,但与城市中学相比还是有很大的差距。 由于农村教育经费有限,很多需求无法得到满足。 大多数农村中学缺乏或设施不完善。 有些中学甚至没有图书馆。 有的中学图书馆藏书少且陈旧,体育器材也很差。 很多设备只是装饰品,如果坏了,往往没有钱去买新的。 体育课上没有孩子们玩的东西。 体育课是中学生自由活动的时间。 中学没有多媒体设备。 有些校园最多只有几台录音机。 音乐课上班主任只是用喉咙喊。 但由于师资短缺,大部分学科没有专职教师,由校长接管。 硬件设施投入不足是农村教育最普遍的现状。


农村教育是我国改革发展的重点,是我国教育的重要组成部分。 其普及程度和受教育程度直接影响全省普及教育和基础教育的实现。 大力发展农村教育是教育发展的重要目标。 班主任是农村教育的主力军,肩负着长期而艰巨的责任。 然而,农村师资力量的薄弱直接影响了农村教育的有效实施。 造成这种现象的直接原因有以下几点:


农村高中班主任队伍老化,接班人紧缺现象日益严重。 村小学教师大多是年长的班主任,年轻的班主任很少。


一方面,高中毕业的班主任不愿意到农村中学任教。 另一方面,老班主任不少是小学或初中毕业生,通常是大专或本科毕业生,研究生及以上学历的很少。 没有接受过正规师范教育的公办班教师能力有限,制约了对中学生的指导和培养。 这就造成了教育资源的浪费,孩子们接受知识的领域也越来越狭窄。


在城市里,专业教学是理所当然的事情,也许不值一提。 然而,在很多农村中学,专业班主任严重短缺。 音乐、美术、劳动、自然等专业的教师大多为兼职教师。


班主任素质包括学历、职业道德、思想观念、教学质量、科研能力等多个方面。来自农村中学的职业高中生和初中毕业生占绝大多数。班主任。 他们自身的知识结构非常不完善。 而且,由于他们常年在农村生活、学习、工作,教学缺乏积极性和竞争力,无法掌握先进思想。 教学技术差,信息闭塞,几乎没有科研能力可言。




作为一名乡村班主任,繁杂的教学任务、超负荷的工作量其实并不是问题的根源。 事实上,薪酬问题是教师流失的重要原因。 据了解,农村班主任的月薪就是工资卡上的钱,基本没有奖金。 就算过了年,也拿不到多少钱。 但在城市中学,每个月都会增加班级津贴、班主任费等,每人每月多领几百元。 农村分校班主任教师节最高可领取100元,城市中学班主任最低可领取500元。 工资的差异,让很多班主任把自己的前途放在县城,想方设法调往市区。 这已经成为大多数农村班主任的目标。 如果再这样下去,乡村教师将大量流失。




老话说得好:再穷,也不能缺少教育。 针对当前农村教育存在的问题,结合农村发展的实际情况,我提出以下建议。


调查显示,当地政府拨付的农村教育经费有限,无法满足广大农村中学生的教育需求。 改善农村中学教育物质条件,要以政府投入为主,多渠道筹措教育经费。 但新政策应尽量向农村地区和薄弱边远农村中小学倾斜。 没有相应的教育条件、教学设备和图书资料,提高素质只能是老生常谈。 中央和市财政可根据农村中学在校学生人数,通过交通银行定额、按时、按量向农村中学拨付农村教育经费。 这样可以防止教育经费在多个中间环节被挪用,保障农村教育。 资金稳定、平等、可靠。 同时,注重重建中学机房,添置必要的教育设备和图书资料,使村办办学条件、管理水平和教育教学质量显着提高。中学。 要改变农村教育现状,首先要加强农村教育资源投入,最大程度改变农村教育资源不足的局面。 首先,要聚焦教育经费挪用问题,切实利用有限的教育资源。


提高农村班主任的地位和待遇,确保农村小学师资队伍的稳定和壮大。 各级政府要认真落实知识分子新政,想方设法改善农村中学校长的工作条件和生活条件。 因为班主任只有具备所需的知识技能、个人素质、职业前景和工作动力,才能满足人们的期望。 在提高农村中学班主任的整体素质方面,政府和教育主管部门应重视班主任培训的常态化,创造条件和机会让农村中学班主任参加。 通过学习和培训,掌握现代教学方法,不断拓展知识的广度和深度,从而提高班主任的整体素质。 另一方面,班主任要不断提高教学技能和教育责任感,根据中学生的不同特点和素养教育的要求,不断改进教学方法。 启发式教学培养了农村中学女生良好的思维品质和创造能力,以适应现代社会对人才的需求。 由于生活环境和学习条件的限制,农村中学的儿子们更需要班主任的关心、鼓励和帮助。 尽量了解每个中学生特别是打工孙辈的基本情况,多关注他们的学习完成情况和变化,多与他们交谈和沟通,及时了解他们学习中遇到的问题和困难。 他们的教育应该以鼓励为主,让老师的鼓励成为儿子学习的监督和动力。


素养教育是一种突出生存能力、生活能力的教育。 可以让中学生认识到拥有真才实学的重要性,要求课堂教学更多地联系实际生活、生产实践,自发拒绝以考试为中心、片面追求升学率的教学方式。 。 保证音乐、美术、体育等课程的课时,注重课外活动的组织,开阔中学生的视野,培养中学生的动手实践能力和创新思维。 同时,还应注重提高农村教育管理者的素质教育管理水平。


俗话说,父亲是孩子最好的老师,父母的言行严重影响着孩子的成长。 父母要多注意自己的言行,为儿子树立榜样。 事实上,母亲送儿子上中学,她心里也放不下。 她及时与老师沟通,经常联系老师,了解女儿的病情,这对儿子的身心健康有帮助。 对儿子的教育从小开始,培养积极的人生观和价值观,树立远大的理想,不断激励儿子朝着远大的理想努力奋斗。


“百年大计,立于教育”。 中国自古以来就非常重视教育,但当今时代的竞争本质是人才的竞争。 中国要想走向世界,必须培养优秀人才,而“农民的问题就是中国的问题,中国的问题就是农民的问题”。 农村要实现可持续发展,必须有人才的支撑。 农村要改变,必须改变农民的思想、心态、人格。 这就需要我们重视农村教育。 近日,我在工作所在的郑和乡进行了农村教育社会实践调查,非常感动。


我主要询问了高中的一些情况,给每个班级发了四十份调查问卷。 其中一半是调查中学生所开设的课程,班主任的班级状况,以及我对中学和老师有什么建议。 另一半则是调查父母对儿子的看法。 作业,成长和发展,对儿子的班主任和中学是否满意,以及对当前国家新的教育政策的看法。 共发出问卷240份,已全部回收。 之后,我又去了一所小学,对高中生进行了问卷调查。 我的朋友们非常支持我的调查。 我共发出问卷150份,收到有效问卷130份。 我调查了学生的学习心态、学习目的、学习方法、对中学的想法、对家长的想法、对当前教育的想法。

我向邻居、亲戚、班上的中学生家里的人进行了很多询问,并向老师做了一些解释。 我在网上查找了相关资料,发现了很多问题。

2. 调查结果


调查问卷统计,85%的中学生学习热情高,上课积极,能自觉独立完成作业。 10%的中学生学习热情中等,有时需要家长监督才做作业。 5%的中学生担心学习,假期无法完成作业。 100%的中学生感觉老师严格,90%的中学生希望老师能按照课程进行教学,尤其是体育和美术,但也希望老师能多和朋友交流。

家长们都觉得国家的新政策特别好。 他们的儿子不用花一毛钱就读。 中学的办学条件发生了很大变化。 老师们的教学水平有了一定的提高,对儿子的要求也更加严格。 20%的家长关心儿子的学习; 70%的家长认为教育是中学和老师的责任,他们基本上不看儿子做作业,只看期末考试成绩; 10%的家长认为读书不读书并不重要,没有知识也可以。 生活。



我的同事们非常认真地回答了我的问卷。 根据调查问卷统计,61%的中学生学习热情较高,19.5%的中学生学习热情中等,19.5%的中学生对学习感到担忧。 而且,我在调查中还发现,英语是中学的核心课程之一。 56%的中学生对学习英语不太感兴趣,其中大多数是男性。 从学习目的来看,就高中毕业后的准备而言,约一半的中学生选择读初中或专科,约五分之一的中学生选择找工作,约三分之一的中学生选择升学。学校的学生还没有考虑过。 我大约有三分之一的朋友正在准备高考。 准备务农的中学生很少,不到十分之一。 从学习心态上来说,朋友们还是比较认真的。 大约三分之二的中学生表示,他们能认真听课,认真完成作业。 但仍有三分之一的同事觉得老师教得不好或者听不懂老师的课。 在对老师的看法方面,80%的同事认为老师的教学方式平淡,与朋友交流不多。 也有一些朋友不理解九年义务教育,说没必要完成。 超过一半的朋友认为父母的教育不恰当,只注重自己的成绩。

很多村民认为有钱就是孩子最大的幸福,却没有意识到家庭教育的重要性。 家里家务活很多,我常常忙得不可开交,很难顾及女儿的教育培训。 而且很多家长对中学生的要求不高农村重点中学,大多注重纪律。 然而,对中学生升入中学,特别是高考提出要求的家长却越来越少。 因此,中学生在学习上存在着一种家庭内部的松散感。 外国学生与国内学生之间的矛盾状况。 家长们表示,中学和大学的高昂学费是他们更愿意送女儿去学习一些专业技能(如钳工、汽车修理、电工等)的重要原因。




随着高等教育的变革,越来越多的人将有机会上大学,以至于一些中学生对高考信心十足。 而且,我国高等教育招生制度的变化也给朋友们带来了很大的负面影响。 调查结果显示,大约有三分之一的朋友觉得自己的家庭无力承担未来上大学的高昂费用,而放弃了上大学的愿望。 我们大约有一半的朋友认为大学不提供分配,并认为他们的未来没有希望。


农村小学生深深感受到国家经济发展的快速步伐。 农村市场经济的逐步深入,引起了农业生产结构和生产方式的不断变化,充满活力的农村劳动力队伍,给农村人民的生活带来了质的变化。 。 农村小学生对于这个变化既兴奋又陌生。 他们享受着隐性的经济利益,这让他们不愿意在农村生活,天真地想早点结束学业,出去打工。


农村小学生对国家市场经济发展、高等教育改革、实施素质教育等认识还不全面、不深入。 他们对未来感到沮丧,学习目标不明确,与老师和家长的沟通不足。



他们在评价儿子时,往往只关注儿子的学习成绩。 他们总觉得好的学习成绩可以带来很多好事。 这种照顾对儿子来说已经形成了一个观念。 学习成绩绝对不能马虎。 只有良好的学习成绩才能受到青睐。 父母也错误地认为,只要女儿学习成绩好,将来就会成功。 因此,她在未成年人的思想道德建设中没有立足之地,更不用说抓思想了。





In our middle schools, especially in lower grades and village primary schools, it is common for one teacher to take charge of all classes. One teacher "takes charge" of all subjects. And there is a large team of part-time teachers.

2. Teachers' quality is generally low


As several of our high school head teachers said: Village primary school graduates from middle schools and high schools account for the vast majority of the class teachers. Moreover, they live, study, and work in rural areas all year round, with limited information and failure to master advanced teaching technologies. There is no highly qualified reserve class teacher team.

Analysis of four solutions

1. Develop reasonable standards and appoint outstanding head teachers.

According to the current situation of rural middle school education, strict examination and evaluation methods should be formulated to attract qualified high school class teachers in rural areas to be hired, and resolutely eliminate unqualified part-time class teachers in schools and even private class teachers to open up the occupied staffing space. It also reduces the orientation of the New Deal, allowing more outstanding talents to flow to the grassroots and injecting new blood into rural education.

2. Optimize the team of class teachers and provide full courses

According to the national curriculum requirements, full-time head teachers for each subject are equipped, and all courses are offered in strict accordance with the requirements of the curriculum standards, especially rural moral education and the development of local curriculum.

4. Pay attention to the impact of family education on sons

Establish township rules and regulations, authentic family mottos, and folk customs, and include the content of strengthening the ideological and moral construction of minors in the township regulations and folk conventions. The farmer household moral evaluation meeting will include the ideological, moral, and behavioral habits of each family's minor guardians and evaluate their sons. The educational methods, skills and efficacy of the project are reviewed, but feedback is provided to each family in a timely manner. On the one hand, high moral standards are used to regulate the words and deeds of each guardian, and the negative impact of a small number of family education on daughters is eliminated, so that minors can be educated no matter in middle school or in middle school. It is a healthy growth environment in the family.

Five summary

Rural education is a big problem, and it is also a problem that the party and the government have always paid attention to. Starting from the facts around me, I have some understanding of the rural education around me and put forward some measures that I can do. In this practical activity, I tried to analyze it from three aspects: the middle school students themselves, their families, and their teachers. The analysis may be a bit frivolous and naive, but this is the inference I got after diligent investigation and consulting relevant information. I also learned a lot from this practical activity. Big gain.

Rural Education Survey Report 3

1. Basic overview

Education is the cornerstone of national rejuvenation. It is a topic of common concern to all countries in the world. It is also one of the common topics in different historical stages. In the context of modern civilized society and knowledge economy, education has become a factor that determines the prosperity of a country and a nation. The fundamental guarantee for prosperity and standing in the forest of the world. Rural education, as a foundational project for building a new countryside, shoulders the historical mission of revitalizing agriculture through science and education, improving the overall cultural literacy of the rural population, cultivating new farmers, narrowing social differences, and building a harmonious new countryside. How can we reconsider rural education, understand rural education, and develop rural education in the context of building a new socialist countryside and against the background of the increasing urbanization process so as to give full play to its fundamental and fundamental role in building a new socialist countryside? The leading role is a major issue at present. To this end, I used my vacation time to conduct social practice in rural areas and understand the current situation of rural education.

Survey time: August 23 to 25, 20xx

Location: Buyi Village, Liubao Town, Cangwu County, Huazhou City, Guangdong Province

2. Research process and content

Buyi Middle School, Liubao Town, Cangwu County, Anshun City, Guizhou Province, is located in the east of Liubaoqiao Town, 15 kilometers away from the town center, covering an area of ​​2,500 square meters. It was founded in 1934 and should have been named after the founding of the People's Republic of China. The middle school has a construction area of ​​908 square meters, including a library, reading room, distance learning room, etc., and the equipment in each room meets the fifth-level standard. The middle school currently has 169 students, 7 teaching classes, and 9 head teachers. The middle school is surrounded by mountains and rivers and has a beautiful environment. It is a township-level middle school integrating a new garden and an academy. It seems that various conditions in Buyi Middle School have been greatly improved nowadays, and during the survey, several problems were still found:

(1) The middle school is small and has backward hardware facilities.

Although the current teaching buildings and facilities of Buyi Middle School have been greatly improved compared to before, there is still a big difference compared with urban middle schools. Because rural education funds are very limited, it is difficult to meet many needs in many aspects. Nowadays, high schools do not have computer rooms and multimedia class teachers. Some laptops are donated by others, and teachers basically use them from time to time. , Middle school students have basically no exposure to knowledge about notebooks. The number of books in the library is few and old, and sports equipment is also very poor. The football field in the middle school is very muddy. It will take a few days to clear up after it rains before it can be used, but there are many Facilities are just decorations, and when they break down they are often due to lack of funds to repair or buy new ones.

(2) The problem of rural class teacher team is prominent


With the development of rural economy, potential problems in the construction of rural teaching staff in my country have become increasingly prominent. From this survey, we learned that there are several problems in the team of head teachers in independent middle schools today:

First, although the salary of class teachers has been greatly improved in recent years, and the salary of class teachers who do not rely on middle schools is still relatively high. Generally speaking, the monthly salary of rural intermediate class teachers is only more than 1,000 yuan, and ordinary teachers only have It costs more than 600 yuan, while part-time teachers in the public sector only earn more than 200 yuan, and some public teachers who have taught for more than 30 years only earn more than 500 yuan. Socioeconomic status is low.

Second, the quality of teachers' continuing education needs to be improved. Nowadays, many head teachers who do not rely on middle schools have college-level academic qualifications. However, with the promotion of education reform, there are not many middle school teachers anymore. Teachers' colleges are being downgraded and evolving into teachers' colleges. Comprehensive colleges have also joined the ranks of head teacher education. , an open class teacher education system is emerging. Because the academic level of today's middle schools is relatively low and it is difficult to keep up with today's educational concepts, the best way is to improve the quality of continuing education for class teachers.

Third, teachers' professional level is not high and their workload is heavy. In independent middle schools, there are many older class teachers. Such class teachers have rich experience, but their educational methods are backward and there are big problems with the quality of teaching. Because rural areas have relatively little information and little interaction with the outside world, middle school teachers have lagging educational concepts and weak educational and teaching abilities. Many class teachers still use the traditional method of "a piece of chalk + a mouth + a book" to complete teaching, and the "learning method" of middle school students is still a five-stage method of "listening, writing, reading, memorizing and taking a test". These primitive teaching methods not only fail to meet the needs of contemporary teaching, but also increase the burden on teachers and students, consume a lot of their time and energy, and achieve half the result with twice the result. At the same time, parents in the village are forced to go out to work one after another to make ends meet, causing a serious lack of education in rural families. All the educational responsibilities that should be borne by families and parents are transferred to the class teacher and the middle school, requiring the class teacher to give more care and care to such middle school students in study and life, which undoubtedly increases the burden on the class teacher.

(3) Literacy education cannot be implemented and curriculum reform is difficult to implement

Rural education is still reflected in the shadow of examination-oriented education. Affected and influenced by the large environment, class teachers all regard high school students' high scores as their only goal, and middle schools also use the results of middle school students as the only basis for judging the teaching level of class teachers. Courses such as music, sports, art, and English are actually offered, but in reality they cannot be guaranteed. Middle school students cannot develop their bodies and minds in an all-round way, and their knowledge is narrow and their concepts are lagging behind.

(4) The resurgence of the belief that studying is useless has caused a sharp drop in the dropout rate

In fact, our country has announced that nine-year compulsory education will be universally implemented in 20xx. Moreover, through this investigation, I know that the phenomenon of middle school students dropping out of school still often occurs. The main reason for middle school students dropping out of school is family poverty. A small number of them are parents who do not pay attention to education. Especially today, when the wave of working is surging, middle school students drop out of school to work. There are many phenomena. On the other hand, due to the influence of the market economy and the overall lack of open employment opportunities for college students, these rural children who are burdened with huge debts to study once they graduate and fail to find a job will face relatively high educational risks for them. There is no return, and the export of compulsory education in rural areas is blocked or not smooth, that is, the export to junior and third-level middle schools is limited and vocational education is extremely underdeveloped, resulting in knowledge having little benefit in rural areas, resulting in The theory that "study is useless" is back in the rural areas, especially for daughters whose families are in financial difficulties and have poor academic performance. Due to the financial constraints of their families, their demand for education is also very weak. Many of them have not graduated from middle school. During the survey, when it was mentioned that their daughters should study more and take college entrance examinations to learn culture, some residents said: "What is the use of studying? It costs a lot of money and there will be no work assigned in the future. It is better to grow grain and herd cattle at home, or go out to work." Work and earn money early." This is a prominent expression of the thoughts of most villagers. The reason why residents have these thoughts is largely influenced by traditional thinking. They feel that studying is useless. At the same time, they do not understand the modern employment system. They feel that college does not provide job assignments and that it is useless to go to college. Competition in today's society is fierce. Although they have not been able to find a job after several years of college. When residents with these ideas educate their grandchildren, they will instill these ideas into the minds of their ignorant sons, causing these children to lose interest in reading and drop out after finishing middle school or school. There are also many residents who value education very much and hope that their grandchildren will become talented and stand out. They educate their grandchildren to study hard. However, due to the limited economic conditions in rural areas and their low income, many residents find it difficult to support a primary school student. However, today's families have more than one daughter, so many residents are unable to support them, and some children have to Drop out of school. It is very difficult to support a middle school student, let alone a college student! The economic conditions in rural areas prevent many children from realizing their college dreams. There are still certain difficulties in changing the current economic situation in rural areas, but whether the cost of studying can be reduced to what the average economic level of rural households can afford is a question that has yet to be resolved.

3. Develop rural education and improve the current situation of rural education

Developing rural education and running rural branch schools are directly related to the vital interests of farmers; improving the quality of workers and promoting the transformation of traditional agriculture into modern agriculture are the key to fundamentally solving the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers; it is the key to increasing rural development It is a major measure to build spiritual civilization, improve the ideological and moral level of farmers, and promote the coordinated development of rural economy and society.为此,只有采取举措彻底改变农村小孩接受条件最差的中学教育的现况,强化和牢靠基础教育链条上的薄弱环节,使农村教学走出困局,为农村基础教育的发展打下扎实的基础,促进农村教育的发展。













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